

Adaptive Advertising, Buildings & Billboards

 In its default state, off position, Privacy Glass is translucent and as such makes for an ideal platform to project images onto with a projector. Privacy Glass has been used for this purpose in a number of applications throughout the world.

Privacy Glass can be installed to the front of a retail outlet, such as an automotive showroom, a shopping centre, a bank or a fashion clothing outlet.

As the owner of this premises you can either install this facility to rent as advertising space or it can be used to advertise your product or service. With the added option of fully automating the whole process you can switch it on an off throughout the day or night, change the content continuously and even make it interactive with your customers / clients.


Corporate Office Buildings

It is the modern trend in office designs and layouts to opt for a more open plan environment and as such create large open areas with integrated work spaces. This design, however, has its limitations when trying to create central secure / private meeting areas and maintain that open feel.

With the versatility and flexibility that Privacy Glass offers it is now possible to overcome this problem. Privacy Glass can be placed around a centrally located meeting area and activated when in use or deactivated when un-occupied.


Domestic  / Homes

Have you ever either visited some ones house or been presented with the challenge in your own home, how to cover large expanses of glass.

You want the light to come in, you want the view, but the only solution for privacy is to have curtains or blinds, both very bulky, costly and time consuming to clean.



Retail Shop Fronts

Privacy Glass on your shop front can create an adaptive advertising screen for all your advertising, an interactive computer screen, temporarily close your shop window when redesigning your displays.



Motor Vehicle Retail Industry

Vast expanses of Glass are used for the display of your range of motor vehicles.

Imagine being able to turn you show room frontage into an adaptive advertising screen. Many automotive showrooms are located close to major roads and as such become prime advertising locations during the evening when your customers are driving home, when you would not normally have people shopping for cars, but what if you were able to convert your show room windows into a giant billboard



Healthcare Industry

Create Private Wards, Operating Theatres, Paediatric Wards, Examination Rooms. The list is endless.



Hotel Industry



Business Centres, Conference Facilities, Bathrooms.



Restaurant Industry


Private Dining Areas, Kitchens, Frontage, Adaptive advertising Screens



Security Applications


Display Cases, Cash in Transit Vehicles, Jewellery Shops, Antique Shops, Electronics Shops. Where items of high value are being displayed behind glass.


Banking Industry


With Bank robberies being prevalent in South Africa the use of Privacy Glass in banks can provide a whole new dimension to security both to employees and customers alike.

If an alarm is triggered or a prospective robber attempts to rob a bank, by using either remote sensors or multiple trigger points located throughout the bank, all glass will frost up, behind the bullet proof glass of the tellers or the offices that are generally surrounded



Transport Industry - Trains & Buses

As cities throughout the world become more congested and traffic becomes an inevitable strain on an already overstretched road network, more and more public transport systems are needed to cope with the movement of passengers in and out of the city.


A major drawback to all public transport systems throughout the world is the invasion of privacy to residents who are located close to railway lines, light rail systems or bus routes.


Sensors located on route can automatically activate Privacy Glass on either the bus or train windows to once again provide privacy to residents and stop those prying eyes. As public transport moves in and out of residential areas the glass can be activated or deactivated as chosen by the system designer